This archive contains sources of Telex Init/DA: the simplest network utility for sending messages via AppleTalk network. The sources are organized as three Think C (vers 4.x) projects, and they are stored in "Telex─" folder.
To build Telex Init (Telex Server):
1) Use "TelexInit.╣" project to create the INIT file.
2) Only then use "TelexTELX.╣" project to add the Listener code (TELX resource) to that INIT file.
To build Telex DA (Telex Client):
Use "TelexDA.╣" project.
Comments to:
Vladimir A. Butenko
Gamma Software,
Moscow State University.
Tel: ╩7(095)939╩3907 or 2618
Fax: ╩7(095)938╩2136
Mail (but I'll receive it in a couple of months, those commies like to read foreign mail and they often steal it):